Saturday, November 17, 2007


Yesterday was cookie baking day with Laura from class. We didn't follow any special recipe but decided to improvise a bit. Making the base dough was a bit messy and we had some egg accidents, but it all turned out well in the end. While I was making Baileys and chocolate chip cookies, Laura made marshmallow chocolate chip ones that she later had trouble getting out of her heart shaped pan.
Must say that baking cookies in a microwave is not the best way to do it, but what else to do when there is no real oven?

Baileys Chocolate Chip cookies.

Marshmallow and Marshmallow Chocolate Chip cookies. A bit scarylooking.


Anonymous said...

HAHa the mashmallowscakes looks really funny.. I can only imagin how hard it must have bbeeen gettin them out of that pan... haha

Saikosis for the Masses said...

I want cookies!