Sunday, May 20, 2007


Thursday we went to IKEA to eat some swedish meatballs. Yummy! Also took a stroll around the store to see what they had to offer. The only thing I bought was some swedish candy - Ahlgrens bilar and Daim. Treated some of my non-swedish friends at the house to some and they liked it. Japan should sell swedish candy in every shop.


Heartsstillbeating said...

Haha, köttbullar med chop sticks!

Cory said...

Isnt it good to know that some things are the same all over the world? They even have the same chairs as in Germany ^^ j/k
Very comforting.

Saikosis for the Masses said...

Ha! I remember that! I massacred my meatballs! Those were fun times! XD