Sunday, May 6, 2007

The first post

Oh. my. god. I finally have a blog! I almost can't believe it. Was supposed to start it when I first came to Japan but better late than never I guess... Now we'll just have to wait and see how often I update this thing.
Created this blog so I could show my friends and family how my life is here in Tokyo. And of course to show all the funny and strange things I've stumbled upon while being here... so much to share!

Since I came here (which was about 1 1/2 month ago) I've taken about 1500 pictures with my digicam. Which means my memory card is almost full and I've gotta burn them down so I can take even more pictures. Gonna upload some pics the next time I have my camera with me.

Now, time for some coffee and lunch at Doutor!
Tata for now!


Marie said...

WWooooo!!! She´s finally got a blog!!! Går det att skriva med svenska tror du? Chansar och hoppas på det bästa.

Massor med kärlek!

Marie said...

Funkade ju fantastiskt bra. Hörde nått om att de har parasoler med sig och inte solglasögon mot solen.. eller var det då det regnade. Stämmer det gumman? Så små saker du säkert vant dig vid men som ff låter helt jättekonstigt då man ff går å skrotar här hemma.

Massa pussar!

Unknown said...

coolt! äntligen får jag veta vad du gör därborta eg! ;)

George said...

yay! äntligen.

i want more pictures! visa lite coola harajuku-kids eller något. :-B

kram G

Cory said...

Oh boy, another blogger!!! I am trying to resist this phenomenon...
Waiting for THE pic ;)

Ninja said...

visst ska jag lagga upp lite bilder pa harajuku-kidsen! men nu har jag saklart inte min usb kabel med mig...

Cory: I don't think I'll upload that one here. Gomen ne! ;)