Sunday, March 30, 2008


Started the day a little bad moody but that went away fast when I got out into nice weather and sunshine and saw the flowers growing in the garden. It wasn't much but at least something to aim the camera at!
After that mom and I went to Plantagen, a shop where they sell flowers and garden tools of all sorts. I expected to buy some seeds to sow but was discouraged when I saw the prices and read the instructions on the back of the packages. I don't have that much space to grow anything so I wouldn't mind if there was something I could sow in my room and leave it there. But most veggies require a little spot outside in the sunlight. Our family has a garden but it's not my garden and I can't do whatever I like with it.
Was very inspired watching Jamie at Home on the telly this evening. I want a big garden like his so I can grow my own herbs and vegetables. And then I want a nice kitchen in which I can cook some delicious food, just like Jamie. I think I'll have to buy his new cook book.


Anonymous said...

Hey now that sounds like a nice dream !!
Seems like you have a green hand... now you'll be scissors hand ^_^.

Anyway, good to see that you're back in shape. Take care and have fun (and don't put fire to the kitchen !)

Ninja said...

Nina scissor hands? Now that's an idea!